Paypal IPN callback - how to?

I'm using Paypal to make payments through my Rails app and I have IPN setup so that when rails receives notification from Paypal, a record is activated. This all works fine.

However, Paypal sends the notification multiple times. I think this is because my controller is not notifying Paypal that it has received the IPN call. I'm using ActiveMerchant.

I tested the script on (which is an IPN testing environment) and it said that my script was not posting back to them.

Here is my code:

def notify   # Create a notify object we must   notify =

  if notify.acknowledge     #record transaction details here...     begin       if notify.complete?         #do some validation and then activate record       else          #Reason to be suspicious       end

    rescue => e       #There's a bug       raise     ensure       #make sure we logged everything we must     end   end   render :nothing => true end

Does anyone know how to send the callback to Paypal to inform them that I've received the IPN?

i a m a new one ruby on rails i want learn more things place help me

That's what the notify.acknowledge should be doing.

However, I suspect that you need to somehow modify active merchant to use the url for that testing site instead of paypal itself.