passing object between actions

Hi      I have

<%= link_to_remote "Associate Knowledgebase",                             :update => "show_sd_knowledgebase",                             :url => { :controller => 'service_desk',:action => :search_knowledge_base_ui, :id => @sd_ticket } %>

And this page is completely inside the div show_sd_knowledgebase and contains @sd_knowledge_bases which is the result obtained from Sd_knowledgebases table find.I need to pass this array to action search_knowledge_base_ui This is to avoid finding the table again and again.How can I do that?

Thanks in advance Sijo

Sijo Kg wrote:

And this page is completely inside the div show_sd_knowledgebase and contains @sd_knowledge_bases which is the result obtained from Sd_knowledgebases table find.I need to pass this array to action search_knowledge_base_ui This is to avoid finding the table again and again.How can I do that?

It is customary to hold *small* pieces of data in the session. The controller action adds something to the session before rendering the view and the next action reads the data.

I say *small* because it is highly unwise to preserve large or complex data (such as models) like this. There is an excellent RailsCast on the subject:

You can also add data into the link_to_remote call using :with or as parameters to the URL in the :url option. Again, this is not considered best practice for complex data. Remember that if the data comes from the database, it could change before the user selects the link making the cached information out of date and hence invalid...