

I guess my question is: how can I pass an array as a parameter with link_to.

Just say in index action: @stuff = Model.find(:all) Then in view I have: link_to and pass the whole array @stuff to the next action.


Then in view I have: link_to and pass the whole array @stuff to the next action.

In your view your link_to should link to an action in a controller. The action in that controller should then be responsible for gathering data from the model (just like the action you used to get to this page).

What you're describing seems to be to be a violation of MVC. It's your application, but I hope you understand the implications of doing that.

For example: 1. What happens if the data changes from the time the initial page is displayed and the user finally clicks on the link. Are you planning on passing them stale data in your array?

3. How much additional bandwidth will you be consuming by passing in an array of objects through a request?

4. How do you plan on serializing that array into a steam that can be passed through a HTTP request?

Justin To wrote: