paperclip save to disk and s3

I have a standard Paperclip setup that saves a file to my disk. In addition I would also like the file saved to my amazon s3 bucket.


after_save :copy_to_s3

  def copy_to_s3    has_attached_file :photo,    :storage => :s3,    :s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml",    :styles => {    :thumb => "100x100#",    :small => "750x750>" }   end


This is giving the error: undefined method `has_attached_file'

Because it's in another scope of object And it's nothing give to u, it's one define some methods

U can open paperclip source and find out how call upload to s3, or u can use aws-s3 gem, which simple, s3 is http based storage, simple http query, and all a done ))

Scratch the idea then.

So I found this gem called db2s3 which is used to backup the database with a simple rake command. I having trouble modifying it accordingly.

require 'activesupport' require 'aws/s3' require 'tempfile'

class BLUECAT   class Config   end

  def initialize   end

  def full_backup

    file_name = "system-#{"%Y%m%d%H%M")}.gz", open(backup_directory.path)), file_name)



  def backup_directory      backup_file ="dump")

     cmd = "cp -r #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/system/ bucket"      cmd += " | gzip > #{backup_file.path}"      run(cmd)

     backup_file   end

  def store     @store ||=   end

  def most_recent_dump_file_name    "most-recent-dump.txt"   end

  def run(command)     result = system(command)     raise("error, process exited with status #{$?.exitstatus}") unless result   end

  def db_credentials     ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_eval { @config } # Dodgy!   end

  class S3Store     def initialize       @connected = false     end

    def ensure_connected       return if @connected       AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(BLUECAT::Config::S3.slice(:access_key_id, :secret_access_key).merge(:use_ssl => true))       AWS::S3::Bucket.create(bucket)       @connected = true     end

    def store(file_name, file)       ensure_connected, file, bucket)     end

    def fetch(file_name)       ensure_connected       AWS::S3::S3Object.find(file_name, bucket)

      file ="dump")       open(file.path, 'w') do |f|, bucket) do |chunk|           f.write chunk         end       end       file     end

    def list       ensure_connected       AWS::S3::Bucket.find(bucket).objects.collect {|x| x.path }     end

    def delete(file_name)       if object = AWS::S3::S3Object.find(file_name, bucket)         object.delete       end     end


    def bucket       BLUECAT::Config::S3[:bucket]     end   end


In the backup_directory method, I can't figure out how to get it to copy the system directory into my s3 bucket.