aws::s3 to replace mysql blobs


I have used attachment_fu before with no real problems but I'm not sure if it is what I need now..

I have an application that stores blobs (word documents, scanned documents etc) in the database. I want to convert it to store in S3.

All the paperclip and attachment_fu examples deal with images and resizing and thumbnails etc etc which are not relevent in this case.

Are they still the best options or should I just use the aws-s3 gem on its own?

Ideally I'd like to just replace the database "content" column by saving to S3 as part of an AR callback and have an accessor on the model that retrievs the attachment only when requested...

Anybody got any examples of something like that.

Cheers George

George - I did the exact thing a few months ago - actually for a test environment as I deal with credit data and cant put live data on S3. Anyhow, I tried and really liked paperclip, but ended up just going directly with the s3 gem. I thing there were some complications with how I wanted to be able to both save and modify files which I found easier going with S3 gem directly. Anyhow, here are my functions…

def self.save_file(file_path, data) begin if USE_AMAZON_S3 require ‘aws/s3’ file_path = file_path.gsub(FILESTORE, “”) # remove the path to filestore (leaving the app as is since S3 is for test only) #file_path = file_path.gsub(/^//, “”) AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => ‘zzzzz’, :secret_access_key => ‘zzzzz’ ), data, AMAZON_S3_BUCKET) return true if AWS::S3::Service.response.success? else FileUtils.mkdir_p GlobalFunctions.get_path_without_file_name(file_path) chars_written =, ‘w’) {|f| f.write(data) } return true if chars_written == data.length end rescue => nil, :account_id => nil, :location => “GlobalFunctions.save_file”, :error => “failed to save file”, :incidentals => {“file_path” => file_path, “data” => data} ).save end false end

def self.load_file_data(path) begin if USE_AMAZON_S3 require ‘aws/s3’ path = path.gsub(FILESTORE, “”) # remove the path to filestore (leaving the app as is since S3 is for test only) AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => ‘zzzzz’, :secret_access_key => ‘zzzzz’ ) return AWS::S3::S3Object.value path, AMAZON_S3_BUCKET else return, “r”).read end rescue => nil, :account_id => nil, :location => “GlobalFunctions.load_file_data”, :error => “failed to read file”, :incidentals => {“path” => path} ).save end nil end

Thanks for that I'll check that out to see if it fits my needs..

One thing I was unsure about was when to do the "establish_connection". I see you do it as part of the actual save...


Yeah… that was all trial an error on the ruby console. Wasn’t too bad but as always these things can be an adventure. Do note that you probably want to put your S3 auth info somewhere else/safer than I did it.