Hi All,
I have just started to learn about Agile development and was told that in Agile very less focus is given to documentation and usage of UML related things is very less. Is it that its not used at all by most Agile developers and most of the focus is on Test Driven Development. If code generation is accompanied along with the tool being used for UML do people in agile go for UML usage. This is the case I have seen in Java world using UML extensively. As in Agile, time is a factor they dont get into that much details of UML. So I was wondering how to gauge how much important UML is to Agile world.
I know this is OT but Ruby and Rails goes hand in hand with Agile so I have posted in both the groups so that I can get to know from people who really practise Agile.
UML does have impotance in Agile but with the approach is to avoid paralysis of analysis. The focus is on working code and not the complex design.
For detail u cn refer to the UML Distilled written by Martin Fowler who also is a colossal figure in the world of Agile development. In this book he explains how he uses these diagrams himself.
that much details of UML. So I was wondering how to gauge how much important UML is to Agile world.
Last night I bought the “Getting Real” book from 37 signals and I finished reading it. Here is the process that they have used with success:
Draw html mock-ups using paper and pencil. Easy to change and the cost of throwing it away is negligible.
Create static html mockup for your site. Get feedback and make any changes.
Code the most essential feature. Less is more. (They talk about “Epicenter Design”)
Release. Say no to all the features requested by customer. Incorporate only those that align with the “Vision” for your software and is requested by most of the customers.
In general there is no artifacts such as documentation, specification or diagrams created during the product development. They are a waste of time since no one can agree on issues. It is easier to know what we are building and refine it when we play with the real thing.
It has helped me to think clearly and I have gained so much from this book. I now have a blueprint for building a successful online business. I highly recommend this book.
Hi all,
Thanks all for replies, as mentioned above I’ll go through the UML book but as Bala mentioned and I have gone through free chapters of that book by 37 signals.
It might be that artifacts and documentation are secondry things(what is given in the book) but if accompanied by a tool that helps you generate it wont it be a plus point(If used). Other thing being even as you code you tend to write small notes thats a kind of documentation so why averse these things if we can automate a developers process a bit I dont feel it will be a waste of time.
What it seems from the above mentioned point (and as I havent gone through the book only free chapters) the focus is on getting the job done so why not see it from a dfferent angle reverse engineer the things Code->UML/Documentation(automated process).
I feel documentation(in some form little/more) does helps some point of a time,they are 37 signals not all are(not to demean the things but its matter of taste and group dynamics not everyone/group is same)
warm regards
gaurav v bagga