Hey All,
I'm just starting out w/rails & have a toy app w/just 2 types of things right now: People and Organizations. Person :belongs_to organization and Organization :has_many people.
I've got scaffold-generated index views for both, which work well (thanks in part to the kind help I've already gotten here). The index page for organization shows the # of people that currently belong to each one, and I even got fancy and made that number a hyperlink to the people/index, w/view code like so:
<td><%= link_to organization.people.count, "People", :action => :index %></td>
Now I want to get even fancier, and have people/index show me *just* people belonging to the organization whose link was clicked. So I figured I'd need to pass the people controller the proper organization id, and have it do a proper Person.find() call.
I got the impression from the AWDWR book that I could just tack on an extra hash value on my link_to call to pass the parameter, so I edited the above to say:
<td><%= link_to organization.people.count, "People", :action => :index, :org_id => organization.id %></td>
And then put this in PeopleController.index:
if params[:org_id] then # raise("params[:org_id] IS defined!") @people = Person.find_by_organization(params[:org_id]) else @people = Person.find(:all) end
But it seems that my parameter is *not* getting passed. If I dump a params.inspect to the index page I see:
{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"people"}
Soooo... can anybody tell me the right way to move a parameter from one page to another?