non event_calendar

What am I missing here, trying to get the event_calendar plugin working with my existing app. Have installed the plugin, which I guess is a good start, then this...

class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base   has_event_calendar :start_at_field => 'arrival_date', :end_at_field => 'departure_date'

Route...   map.availability_calendar '/availability_calendar/:year/:month',                             :controller => 'properties',                             :action => 'availability_calendar',                             :requirements => {:year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{1,2}/},                             :year => nil,                             :month => nil

Action in controller....   def availability_calendar     @month = (params[:month] ||     @year = (params[:year] ||     @shown_month = Date.civil(@year, @month)     @event_strips = Booking.event_strips_for_month(@shown_month)   end

View .....   foo   <%= event_calendar %>

Result....   undefined local variable or method `event_calendar' for #<ActionView::Base:0x102e77220>

Interestingly if I change this...

class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base   has_event_calendar :start_at_field => 'arrival_date', :end_at_field => 'departure_date'

to simply


I get this error...

Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'end_at' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `bookings` WHERE (('2010-10-30 23:00:00' <= end_at) AND (start_at< '2010-12-05 00:00:00')) ORDER BY start_at ASC

Which suggests the plugin is working it just doesn't like my customised start and end syntax?

Hmm, thinking out load here - I just created a fresh test app with just the plugin and it worked.

dates are all of type DATETIME.

My dates of of type DATE - maybe that's the problem.

Ignore me.

I needed a helper like this.. All good - :-), it looks Great.

module CalendarHelper   def month_link(month_date)     link_to(I18n.localize(month_date, :format => "%B"), {:month => month_date.month, :year => month_date.year})   end

  # custom options for this calendar   def event_calendar_opts     {       :year => @year,       :month => @month,       :event_strips => @event_strips,       :month_name_text => I18n.localize(@shown_month, :format => "%B %Y"),       :previous_month_text => "<< " + month_link(@shown_month.last_month),       :next_month_text => month_link(@shown_month.next_month) + " >>" }   end

  def event_calendar     # args is an argument hash containing :event, :day, and :options     calendar event_calendar_opts do |args|       event = args[:event]       %(<a href="/events/#{}" title="#{h(}">#{h(}</a>)     end   end end