I want to build a week calendar (with options to toggle bewteen month and day visions) in a Rails 4 app.
I know that I can use a JS calendar, like FullCalendar, but, I dont know how to do this and if this will overload the client-side when i get a lot of events.
I tried to search about it, but I cant find nothing.
I used data_builder and did the month vision, but I want do this to a week vision too.
Can someone give me a hint or show me how to do this?
André, I have watched the revised episode of the calendar railscast but the episode cover only a month calendar, not a full day calendar (by hour).
And, i dont have a field called start_time in my db.
I will take a look in that ajax example, thank you.
Quarta-feira, 25 de Junho de 2014 9:36:06 UTC-3, André Orvalho escreveu:
I have build it from the rails casts. if you look at my weeks method there,
you can probably do the same for a day. create an array of hours and use
them to render what you want.
Thank you.
I think that the simple_calendar can do this for me. I just need to learn how to render the hours inside the week, and how to render the events inside the hours.
I will take a look at your calendar helper, too.
Thank you again.
Quarta-feira, 25 de Junho de 2014 10:13:13 UTC-3, André Orvalho escreveu: