No seriously, sort this out.


For the god-knows-what-time, #rubyonrails is being spammed.

This time, somebody left the t mode off on the channel and so the spammer is just constantly resetting the topic every second.

Could we please sort out the lack of ops in this channel immediately, as I believe it reflects badly on the community to have a ghetto for an IRC channel.

Thank you.

I'm bumping this up again because I still think it's a problem. needs more folks on its access list that are more consistently available on the channel to handle problems.

These are the folks who have access right now: noradio, nzkoz, sam-, bitsweat, madrobby, lifo, mikeg1a, wmoxam, and raasdnil.

Thoughts on adding Radar (Ryan Bigg), alindeman (me), and/or other trusted folks who contribute to the IRC channel? If so, can one of the folks above make it happen?

Andy Lindeman

Thoughts on adding Radar (Ryan Bigg), alindeman (me), and/or other trusted folks who contribute to the IRC channel? If so, can one of the folks above make it happen?

I've added images to the op list as well and when Radar is online I'm happy to add him too.

I’m online right now. Didn’t think I needed to be online for that to happen.


Let's hear some other nominations and seconds.

I’d like to nominate myself (amerine). I get fairly annoyed of the spam and would like to help control that trash.

I'd like to nominate myself and Remear. I'm SpaceGhostC2C.

I've been in #RubyonRails for a month and I spend about 16-20 online and available on IRC and although I'm not as pro as Radar is with Rails, I have knowledge and background in rails and know where to go for resources and help in terms of asking questions.

As an op of my own channels (Everyone has them), I don't believe in banning for any reasons other than spam and +q evasion. I personally talk to the user in the channel to try and get them to calm down, then in query if they persist, and if it doesn't get resolved, then I apply a +q for a while.

I let them see how the channel interacts without their 'input', then I either wait for them to talk to me about it after calming down, or I check in with them if they stay in the channel. I've not actually had to ban anyone except those who evade their quiet, and continue abusing, then I ban their normal hostname and any subsequent nicks/ hostnames. I also don't believe kicking is every helpful except when kickbanning someone.

I'd like to have one thing weighed with my nomination for myself. I am working on not engaging in verbal discussions with those whose goal isn't constructive to the channel and is targeting users purely for abuse.

If I were made part of the team for ops, then I'd feel a bigger responsibility to the channel and take greater care that others not interpret my words in negative ways, and better disconnect myself from issues that take too much effort to solve remotely and would be better solved if the user did more research of their own. This was a problem with one user who was 'help-vampiring' and had previously attacked another user in the channel. He got a +q until he chilled out, but then went back to his antics. He got angry because the person helping him absolved himself of the issue. It seems it's a trait of the offender, which I've become aware of and don't engage with that user except when I can point them towards a direct and simple solution.


"If I were made part of the team for ops, then I’d feel a bigger

responsibility to the channel and take greater care that others not interpret my words in negative ways"

If you guys vote me, I’ll run for president and do nice things.

Seriously, this is not the mailing list where you are supposed to advertise yourself.

I appreciate the thought. I'm sorry if I offended you with explaining the route which I would take if I were given ops. Perhaps it would be better served if I had said something less political in nature or you were a bit less reprehensible of my actions? I'd love to make a better impression, but I'm worried the attempt would be in the nature of futility.

In the future, I'll make sure not to sound as if I'm going to make an extra effort based on possible circumstances surrounding the possibility of being given a responsibility.

Do you have any comments on the subject? I'd love to accept some criticism about my person and the worthiness of being an op on IRC.


Actually, that's more or less what Jeremy asked for.

-- James