No route matches {:controller => :controller, :action=>"add_groups"}
when loading a form under "users" containing:
<% form_remote_tag :url => { :controller => :users, :action =>
:add_groups } do %>
<% end %>
I do have an "add_groups" method in UsersController. I have not messed
with routes.rb, just a standard mapping automatically added by scaffold:
map.resources :users
The form is already in the "users" folder so :controller => should be
redundant, tried with and without it and no matter what always get "no
route matches".
and got it to work.
However, I cannot say I understand why I'd have to do this. I don't
really want to map the add_groups method to any url. In my original
example I was specifying the method name and the controller name in the
which should tell rails everything it needs to know to invoke the right
method in the right controller, routing should not have anything to do
with that. I understand that it obviously does but I don't understand