Ajax call, no route matches?

I'm trying to use an AJAX call in my code, but I doesn't seem to be able to find the method I'm trying to call, am I missing something really obvious here??

I have a method dynamic_form in the TasksController class.

Here is the error I get back in the browser.

what route you have in form_for? does this happen when you submit the form?

Radhames Brito wrote:

what route you have in form_for? does this happen when you submit the form?

<%= form_for(@task, :task) do |f| -%>


this wont build a route for the create action i think it should be

<%= form_for(@task) do |f| -%>

is either one or the other not both, you pass and instance or a symbol

also if this is rails 3 this wont be submited with ajax since it lacks the :remote=> true option and in rails 2.3 it should be form_remote_for

also your controller should respond to js.

Hi Radhames,

Thanks for your tips.

I changed to the <%= form_for(@task, :remote=> true) do |f| -%> format. (I'm using rails3)

I also made sure my controller responds to js. I'm still getting the same error:

"No route matches {:page=>nil, :ascending=>nil, :escape=>false, :per_page=>nil, :group_filter=>"0", :tab=>nil, :controller=>"tasks", :search=>{}, :search_filter=>nil, :action=>"dynamic_form", :column=>nil}"

Any other ideas?


Radhames Brito wrote:

"No route matches {:page=>nil, :ascending=>nil, :escape=>false,

:per_page=>nil, :group_filter=>“0”, :tab=>nil, :controller=>“tasks”,

:search=>{}, :search_filter=>nil, :action=>“dynamic_form”,


Something is wrong since the shouldnt be a passing :page=>nil, :ascending=>nil,:per_page=>nil in the params , view the html code and check what action is been called in the html form tag, it should be calling your_controller_name/dynamic_form (the path i gave you was for a restful action like create and update not for a custom action like the one you have, sorry), what you have here is a custom action, but you can make it restful like this

resources :your_controller do  

  member do
    get :dynamic_form    <===== get since i assume this is a search method


then you will have a new restful action and you can refer to it like this

form_for dynamic_form_your_controller_path, :remote=> true do |f|

it will work, just remember to change your_controller with the actual name of your controller, to make sure you can check it by typing rake routes.

Something is wrong since the shouldnt be a passing :page=>nil, :ascending=>nil,:per_page=>nil in the params , view the html code and check what action is been called in the html form tag, it should be calling your_controller_name/dynamic_form (the path i gave you was for a restful action like create and update not for a custom action like the one you have, sorry), what you have here is a custom action, but you can make it restful like this

Hi Radhames,

Its actually being called by the :onchange part of the form, using a remote function call like this:

:onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action => 'dynamic_form'}

Could i just assign values to the :page, :asceding and :per_page within this call?

Thanks for your help so far, I'm sure the solution will prove to be simple!!


I'm trying to use an AJAX call in my code, but I doesn't seem to be able to find the method I'm trying to call, am I missing something really obvious here??

What's in your routes file? You may need to add the dynamic_form action to the mapping defined there (see

or Ruby on Rails Guides: Rails Routing from the Outside In)


What's in your routes file? You may need to add the dynamic_form action to the mapping defined there (see Rails Routing from the Outside In — Ruby on Rails Guides or Ruby on Rails Guides: Rails Routing from the Outside In)


Hi Fred,

I've tried various different things in my routes file.

At the moment, this is what it contains:

match 'dynamic_form' => 'tasks#dynamic_form'

this is what rake routes gives back atm

task_dynamic_form /tasks/:task_id/dynamic_form(.:format) {:controller=>"tasks", :action=>"dynamic_form"}

Any help you might have is greatly appreciated!



:onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action => ‘dynamic_form’}

you should have said this in the first place, use jquery, with its live function is the unobstrusive way, then sent a getscript, return js.erb action.

If you need to now how to do this step by step, just have to post a bit more of your view code.

and the actions you want to call is can be access by task_dynamic_form_path

Radhames Brito wrote:

If you need to now how to do this step by step, just have to post a bit more of your view code.

and the actions you want to call is can be access by task_dynamic_form_path

Apologies Radhames, I did include it in my first post, but I guess i could have been more clear!

Here is my view code. What it basically is supposed to do is run a little bit of js that replaces some of html when the first drop down box is changed.

<%= form_for(@task, :remote=> true, :as=>:task, :url => tasks_path ) do |f| -%>

<p>   <%= f.label :title, 'New task:' %>   <%= f.text_field :title %>   <%= f.hidden_field :assigned_to_id, :value => current_user.id %>

<label for="user_selected_app">Application:</label> <%= select 'facet', 'value',Facets.application_list(["GBOSS", "J_GMISEMEATC" ] ),{}, :onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action => 'dynamic_form'} ) %>

<label for="user_selected_issuetype">Issue Type:</label><strong id = "user_selected_issuetype"> <%= select 'task', 'issue_type', options_for_select(@task.sti_issue_type_list(User.current_user.group.id), :selected => session[:default_task_issue_type]), {}, :onchange => "$('task_submit').simulate('click')" %> </strong>   <%= f.submit 'Create' %> <% end -%> </p>

you'd want /tasks/dynamic form I think or the member {post 'dynamic_form'} stuff - check the url that is generated


“$(‘task_submit’).simulate(‘click’)” %>

This here is the problem this is calling url => tasks_path because is working the same as the submit button and that is your index action dynamic_form in never called your logic is not rigth, but am going out to lunch now all help you in


Hey guys,

I managed to resolve this one. It turns out the line i had inserted in routes.rb was being affected by a 'members' statement before it, causing it to generate the wrong route. I simply moved the line ahead of this to resolve the issue, the AJAX call seems to work fine now.

Thanks for all your advice and tips,
