No reaction from memcached

I've been following the instructions here articles/read/716 on how to get started with memcached.

Starting up ./script/console production I get at couple of deprecation warnings:

<snip> ./script/console production Loading production environment. DEPRECATION WARNING: model is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 2.0 See for details. (called from ./script/../config/../config/../app/controllers/ application.rb:6) DEPRECATION WARNING: depend_on is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 2.0 See for details. (called from model_without_deprecation at /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ actionpack-1.13.1/lib/action_controller/deprecated_dependencies.rb:13) </snip>

ActiveRecord instances load just fine but I get no indication that any caching is taking place. I get no output from my memcached-process, nothing in the rails logs and nothing on the console says anything about caching.

I guess that I have a config error somewhere or a version mismatch.

Here's what I have at the end of environment.rb require 'cached_model' CACHE = 'localhost:11211', :namespace => 'my_rails_app'

I've also tried these settings with the same result:

require 'cached_model'

memcache_options = {   :c_threshold => 10_000,   :compression => true,   :debug => false,   :namespace => 'my_rails_app',   :readonly => false,   :urlencode => false }

CACHE = memcache_options CACHE.servers = 'localhost:11211'

Here's my installed versions of the relevant gems:

rails (1.2.1, 1.1.6) cached_model (1.3.1, 1.2.1) memcache-client (1.2.0, 1.0.3)

I've done some googling but I'm at a loss about how to troubleshoot this further.

Any ideas?