I am brand new to web application development, and I'm looking for a good web framework to learn in order to build a new web application (sort of a personal task/project management system). I've got some experience with website building, HTML, CSS, and a little javascript. I don't have any experience with server-side coding, but I do have general programming experience (i.e., not web/internet related) as well as some experience with relational databases and SQL.
Since I'm new to web development, I'm looking for a framework (and language) that will be easy to set up, learn, and find support for. Also, rather than creating everything from scratch, I'm hoping to rely as much as possible on existing libraries, plug-ins, applications, examples, etc. So, a framework that's compatible with as large a universe as possible of existing solutions would be ideal. I'm also planning to link to various web service API's (e.g., Google Calendar).
(Note, I'll be developing on a Windows 7 machine.)
I've been considering Ruby on Rails but also checking out some Python frameworks (Django, web2py, and TurboGears) as well as ASP.NET (WebForms and MVC). What are some of the pros and cons of going with ROR vs. some of these other options (particularly interested in hearing from people who have experience using the other options)?
web2py in particular seems very interesting because it sounds like it incorporates many ideas from ROR but may be easier to set up, learn, develop with, and deploy. Does anyone have any experience with both ROR and web2py?
Finally, since I'm new to Rails, would it make sense to just start with the new Rails 3.0? If so, how does that impact the above comparisons?
Thanks a lot.