New to rails, a little model help please

Hey guys I'm having a little trouble what I think should be a pretty simple relationship between tables.

Player.rating is a f-key to, both fields are integers

When I try to add a new player I get this error message

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in PlayersController#create Rating(#38968656) expected, got String(#19165136)

In my form I have this for the rating dropdown :rating, options_for_select( { |r| [r.level,] })

In my models I have

#player has_one :rating

#rating belongs_to :player, :foreign_key => "id"

The controller is pretty straight forward   def create     @player =[:player])     respond_to do |format|       if         flash[:notice] = "Registration Successful"         format.html { redirect_to root_url }       else         flash[:notice] = "Error in registration"         format.html { render :action => "new" }       end     end   end

Any guidance?

Also, here are the params passed to the server

"player"=> {   "first_name"=>"Alex",   "last_name"=>"Zwinge",   "email_address"=>"",   "password"=>"[FILTERED]",   "password_confirmation"=>"[FILTERED]",   "phone_number"=>"512-492-5708",   "rating"=>"1", <---- correct value   "city"=>"1",   "gender"=>"0" }, "commit"=>"Register", "controller"=>"players", "action"=>"create"

Alex Smith wrote:

Hey guys I'm having a little trouble what I think should be a pretty simple relationship between tables.

Player.rating is a f-key to, both fields are integers

When I try to add a new player I get this error message

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in PlayersController#create Rating(#38968656) expected, got String(#19165136)

In my form I have this for the rating dropdown :rating, options_for_select( { |r| [r.level,] })

In my models I have

#player has_one :rating

#rating belongs_to :player, :foreign_key => "id"

You've got it backwards. foreign_key gives the name of the key on the other table, so in this case, it would be 'rating', not 'id'. But why not follow the Rails conventions, call the column Player.rating_id , and drop the foreign key clause?


I knew it was going to be simple! Adding _id worked like a charm. Thanks for the help.

Alex Smith wrote:

I knew it was going to be simple! Adding _id worked like a charm. Thanks for the help.

You're most welcome. BTW, are you the Alex Smith I used to work with?
