nested structures with build_query_string

hi all!

just recently i encountered a problem when giving a hash to ActionController::Base#url_for that itself includes a hash, e.g., {:action => 'search', :query => {:field1 => 'value1', :field2 => 'value2'}}.

the corresponding URL looks like "/search?query[field1]=value1&query[field2]=value2&commit=Search".

however, the URL built by url_for looks like this: "/search?query=field1value1field2value2&commit=Search" -- which is obviously incorrect.

this is caused by ActionController::UrlRewriter#build_query_string, which does recognize arrays, but not hashes. rewriting that method to build the query string recursively for nested structures lead to the following:

---- snip ---- def build_query_string(hash, only_keys = nil)   elements =

  build_element = lambda { |key, value|     # skip empty params     return if value.nil? or value.empty?

    case value       when Array         value.each { |v|  "#{key}", v         }       when Hash         value.each_pair { |k, v|  "#{key}[#{k}]", v          }       else         elements << "#{key}=#{Routing.extract_parameter_value(value)}"     end   }

  (only_keys || hash.keys).each { |key| CGI.escape(key.to_s), hash[key]   }

  elements.empty? ? '' : '?' + elements.join('&') end ---- snip ----

this works for the above mentioned case, nonetheless a few questions arise:

1. what do you think about this? does it make sense? is it "good" ruby?

2. where shall i put the modified method? in my lib/ directory i have util/extensions/* which all get included in environment.rb -- this, however, didn't seem to work. webrick spits out warnings

./script/../config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:660: warning: already initialized constant Helpers ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:714: warning: already initialized constant Routes

and i get the following exception: "No url can be generated for the hash [...]". modifying action_controller/url_rewriter.rb in place wouldn't be the preferred way to go, now would it...

thanks for your comments.

cheers jens