MySQL setup question


I'm new to ror and i really like it so far! for a new application i would like to setup a ror application connecting to mysql but i can't figure it out how. rails works fine with sqllite out the box but i need it working with mysql. these are my versions:

-OSX snow leopard -ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0] -Rails 3.0.0 $ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql : Server version: 5.1.51 MySQL Community Server (GPL) $ gem list: mysql (2.8.1)

this is my development setting in config/database.yml

development:     adapter: mysql     encoding: utf8     database: blog     pool: 5     username: root     password:     socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

Now when i test rake db:migrate i get the folowing error:

daniels-macbook:blog daniel$ rails generate scaffold post name:string message:text      // files created .... daniels-macbook:blog daniel$ rake db:migrate (in /sites/blog) rake aborted! !!! Missing the mysql gem. Add it to your Gemfile: gem 'mysql', '2.8.1'

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

A shot in the dark, is the socket location correct? Try entering into mysql via command link using that socket.


 // files created ....

daniels-macbook:blog daniel$ rake db:migrate

(in /sites/blog)

rake aborted!

!!! Missing the mysql gem. Add it to your Gemfile: gem ‘mysql’,


(See full trace by running task with --trace)

The mysql 2.8.1 is already in my gem list and i have the gem installed

with the command: sudo gem install mysql – --with-mysql-config=/usr/


Does anyone know what i’m doing wrong? Thank you very much!!

Did you put it in your gemfile?

The gemfile is in the rails app root directory

The socket is ok, i use the socket in php and it works. I didn't put the gem in the gem list (i didn't know i had to do that so thank you for that) but when i put the gem in the list i get the error:

rake db:migrate (in /sites/mysqlapp) rake aborted! undefined method `init' for Mysql:Class

The gem doesn't work: $ irb>> require 'mysql' => true

db = Mysql.connect('localhost', 'root', '','blog')

NoMethodError: undefined method `connect' for Mysql:Class   from (irb):2

when i google the "undefined method `init' for Mysql:Class" error i found a lot of users with the same problem.. To bad i couldn't find a working solution, i gues i have to stick to sqlite3.
