Rails 2.3.2 & MySQL and/or PostgreSQL

very noob like question here. I'm getting back into learning rails development. I fired my ruby text editor and made the appropriate gem updates. I tried making a connection to MySQL which is my typical development DB of choice and I can't seem to get it working. I've scoured the net implementing various methods but to without luck.

I was hoping for someone to point me in the right direction on getting my development environment back to working fashion.

I'm running Windows 7, MySQL (Preferred) and/or PostgreSQL

The error message u're getting would be helpful in trying to help you

Here is what I have done: 1. rails myproject name 2. edit database.yml file: development:   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   reconnect: false   database: mysql_development   pool: 5   username: root   password: Password01   host: localhost 3. rake db:create

Error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.

rake aborted!

126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/ gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/ext/mysql.so

Note: the mysql.so file is physically located in that directory. I have run gem install mysql but no luck.

Obviously you are on windows and I am quite rusty on on windows/ruby on rails development so this may or may not work.

Can you connect to MySQL from command line? Install MySQL command line client if you haven't done so already and try to connect to your mysql database. If you can then this is a gem installation problem. Also, I don't see a TCP/IP socket statement in your database.yml as in this example file below:

development:   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   database: rubyweblog_development   username: root   password:   socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock <-- this statement is missing in your database.yml

I am not sure what the Windows equivalent is anymore. If you have installed InstantRails then look it up in the database.yml that it generates.

If you do get an error when using mysql command line client to connect to mysql database then I would look there first. Typically, you have to make sure that mysql/bin is in your windows path.

Hope this helps


check your mysql database version,mysql 5.0 is a stable version.Install that and check.


Yes, I can successfully connect to mysql via command line. Yes, I have added mysql to my windows path. I'm not using InstantRails- I have installed everything piece by piece.

Deepali- mysql 5.0 is stable.

126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/ gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/ext/mysql.so

I've seen at least one person say that this can happen if the permissions on mysql.so aren't right (i think executable has to be true or something).



I made sure that permissions on mysql.so have read/write on all groups/ users.

still getting the same error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.

rake aborted!

126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/ gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/ext/mysql.so