My goodness why does RoR has to be so beginer unfrendly ?

I have create a RoR project using "rails new" on ubuntu. Now I am looking for any ide to start coding, but I haven't found the way to bring the project into any ide, I have tried with Netbeans 6.9.1 it can not see that it is a ruby project, the same with aptana. What I am looking for is an ide where I can see the project structure.

I have create a RoR project using “rails new” on ubuntu.

Now I am looking for any ide to start coding, but I haven’t found the

way to bring the project into any ide, I have tried with Netbeans 6.9.1

it can not see that it is a ruby project, the same with aptana.

What I am looking for is an ide where I can see the project structure.

Its actually not unfriendly, just closer to the pavement. I recommend simply using a good text editor. Free one is KomodoEdit. I use vim / macvim… To see the structure as well just browse your file system, and also you should be able to see it in your texteditor (definitely choose one which permits this). Some people will argue they want an IDE. IMO you will learn better and be most resourceful if you dont use one. You can search this list for ‘ide’ and you should see a lot of posts, seems that questions on this come by almost weekly.

David Kahn. Thanks what ide you use ? and how specically you import your project into that ide ? I am on ubuntu. Well when I was leaning python it was easy to get round with. install it, starting it. I have many years of java/.Net programming as profational.

I have create a RoR project using "rails new" on ubuntu.

What tutorial are you following to guide you through the beginner steps?

Now I am looking for any ide to start coding, but I haven't found the way to bring the project into any ide, I have tried with Netbeans 6.9.1 it can not see that it is a ruby project, the same with aptana.

You won't find IDEs as integrated as .Net and Visual Studio. You'll only find text editors, and text editors with more bells and whistles integrated.

What I am looking for is an ide where I can see the project structure.

IIRC You can get directory browsing plugins for GEdit... or whatever your favourite editor is.

Personally, I use Netbeans 6.9.1, and run Rails 2.x apps integrated perfectly, but I've not tried with Rails 3.

David Kahn.

Thanks what ide you use ? and how specically you import your project

into that ide ?

Actually I picked up vim a couple months ago and love it. Although if you do not use it you might not want to do both your ror learning curve and vim learning curve at the same time. I am on mac and before used text edit.

I am on ubuntu.

Well when I was leaning python it was easy to get round with. install

it, starting it.

I have many years of java/.Net programming as profational.

Yeah, I came from .Net myself, actually that is where I developed a distaste for ide’s, namely that I dont like all the voodoo behind the scenes or weird ‘extra’ files being created. I like the idea of being able to just work from knowledge, and given that rails is dynamic there is a lot even if there was a great ide that it would never help you with.

If you google for ‘ubuntu text editor rails’ I see a number of results, I would start there. End of day it is a personal choice. But do check out vim at some point, it is amazing once you get through a day or two of learning curve (I mean that in a couple days you can probably be productive again, but not necessarily taking advantage of a lot of its features).

David Kahn.

Thanks what ide you use ? and how specically you import your project

into that ide ?

Actually I picked up vim a couple months ago and love it. Although if you do not use it you might not want to do both your ror learning curve and vim learning curve at the same time. I am on mac and before used text edit.

Ha… not text edit, TextMate… I also do hear about gedit a lot on linux but never used.

I hope I will see the light, but for the time being this has been one very frustrating. RoR is easy to generate the project from console, but difficult to deal with it later. I am looking at Gedit now, Geany, Gedit, i will also look for RoR eclipse plugin... I just wanted to widen my horizon as programmer.

I use RubyMine with Rails 3 and like it.

Tiobe list nice place for ruby

RubyMine is the best but it cost money As i am not professional rails developer I didn't want to use money on ide. If there is a free version can you point me to that ?

I have create a RoR project using "rails new" on ubuntu. Now I am looking for any ide to start coding, but I haven't found the way to bring the project into any ide, I have tried with Netbeans 6.9.1 it can not see that it is a ruby project, the same with aptana. What I am looking for is an ide where I can see the project structure.

I use Aptana Studio 3 just fine with Rails 2 and Rails 3. It shows my Ruby projects and my Rails projects which I can create the structures for through the IDE.

I think the reason you are not finding what you want is that your expectation is that an IDE for another language should work as the ones for Java do. Different language different tools.

That being said, IDEs are like fancy cars. They don't help you be a better driver. You still have to know how to drive and where the basic things are. I spent years coding with just vi (*nix) or edit (DOS) before I ever used an IDE. Knowing the language and how things are structured makes using an IDE (regardless of language) a breeze. If you can't drive a Ford you sure as hell can't drive a Mercedes.


All of the others comments have been spot-on. I come from a .net background, and can understand your search for an IDE. I have tried most of the ones currently available, but enjoy rubymine the most. Yes it's going to cost you, but it's worth the money.

On the other hand, I'm on the fence if it's going to make learning easier. Digging through the API, and some of the great tutorials seems to be the best way to get a grasp on on Ruby, and Rails. Once you get the basics, you will understand why so many people love developing with rails.

Just the other day I discovered RedCar, and I'm excited about the possibilities that it offers.

In the end, it's really about what works for you.


Thanks for all the good advices. Yes I have great respect for people who really remember the API of the language they use. About the what Bryan Crossland said hi is right, but I have learned few languages before.