Hi, I've trying to find during hours why the params name of the buttons are in my parameters... I would like to know why submit button was clicked. I taught the name of the submit button was in the parameters but it"s not. Someone has an idea why?
<% form_for @image, :url => eval(@assist_uri), :html => { :id => :frmCropAssist, :class => :regular } do %> <p class="submit"> <%= hidden_field_tag :crop, '', :id => :hidCrop %> <%= submit_tag 'Recadrer', :tabindex => 1, :accesskey => 'R', :id => :btnCrop, :class => :ok, :disabled => true, :confirm => 'Recadrer cette image ? (Cette opération est définitive)', :name => :resize %> <%= submit_tag 'Marge', :tabindex => 2, :accesskey => 'P', :id => :btnExpand, :class => :padder, :disabled => true, :confirm => 'Extand cette image ? (Cette opération est définitive)', :name => :expand %> </p> <% end %>