parameter in a image_submit_tag?

Ramon -- I just had a similar case with submit_tag (which creates a submit button and calls the action associated with the form). I solved the problem by adding a :name parameter as one of the optional parameters, then testing for in in the submit action associated with the form. (I am not sure if :name is special, I was just copying an example I found :-). , for example

<=% Image_submit_tag ("../ images / eliminar.gif ", :name => "del_image") %>

then in the controller, if your form action was called "manage_image", you can test for the presence of the specific name value in the params hash, like so:

def manage_image   if params['del_image'] ##     ... code to delete the image ...   else     ... code to add the image ..   end end

Here's the link I found with a more complete description of the solution:


I wish I had the