I’m writing a plugin in Redmine and want to add the number of points to the list of users available to select in the “assign to” field in a task. Something like “John Power - 2 points.” Once, I managed to create such a list, but it was a new element in the form, which is not what I’m aiming for here.
In summary, I want to modify the user list and add the calculated number of points for each user. I’m currently trying to do this using hooks:
module UserPoints
class Hooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener
def view_issues_form_details_bottom(context = {})
issue = context[:issue]
assignable_users = issue.assignable_users
users_points = assignable_users.map do |user|
user.lastname = "#{user.lastname} - 2 points"
context[:assignable_users] = users_points
When i print to console variable users_points i see changes but unfortunately (after restarting Redmine), I don’t see any changes on front (in select box). Can you suggest what I might be doing wrong?