How to update rails Variable in Javascript

You should use observe_field with what you are trying to accomplish.

<%= radio_button :nominees, :count %> <%= observe_field(:nominees_count, :on=>'click', :frequency=>0.25, :update => :vote_count, :with => :nominees_count, :url => { :action => :nominees_count_them}) %> <div id="vote_count"></div>

Then put the method in your controller:

def nominees_count_them   # add your counts here   vote_count = (perform a find on the model for the current vote count)   vote_count += 1   # Do something with your vote count like update to a table end

The div id is only there so you can view if it's working. Just look through observe_field and checkbox and radio buttons. You'll find what you need to get it working.

This may or may not work for you. I'm just going by what I remember. I believe the syntax is correct though.

Thanks for the quick reply Alpha, Actually what i want is while selecting the radio button the vote_count should be increased. i have tried thst with update_attribute and increment methods. but the vote_count is not increased . could you give some advice about how to increase the vote_count based on the selection.

Alpha Blue wrote: