Mac vs Windows -- app works in Mac and not in Windows

Does anyone know why an application would work on Mac and not on Windows? When I attempt to start WEBrick it tries to start and then it just hangs. There is no error message. Is there a way to debug to get further information?

Thanks wrote:

Does anyone know why an application would work on Mac and not on Windows? When I attempt to start WEBrick it tries to start and then it just hangs. There is no error message. Is there a way to debug to get further information?


I'd start by going through your source files and changing any tabs to spaces. Ruby on windows seems to have trouble with those...


I did try InstantRails, but the same results. CMD prompt opens to start Mongrel and then crashes. No error messages. Is there a system log that would offer more details or does it just die?

Open a ruby console window through Instant Rails (this ensures that IR's ruby\bin directory is on the path), navigate to the root of your rails app, and run the command:

   "mongrel_rails start -B"

then look for the log file in your Rails app's "log" subdirectory.


Thanks Curt,

I ended up trying it both with ruby script/console for WEBrick and your suggestion with Instant Rails and I come back to the same error message:

I read some of the other posts which suggest tabs can also be a problem in Windows. Hopefully a best practices document will be created to remind developers of those known issues moving from one OS to another.

After replacing the tabs with spaces in the .rb, I was able to get to a new set of error messages when i started WEBrick. It turns out there are two gems used by the application that are not included with the RoR Windows installation:

    * rcss (gem install rcss)     * redcloth (gem install redcloth)

It works now :slight_smile:

Thanks All!