My third post here. I’m learning Rails.
getting Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:3000
I reinstalled Ruby and Rails. I create the Rails new ??? then run Rails S or Rails server. still cant get the localhost:3000 to start.
I’m running Windows 8.1
Ruby version 2.0.0p0
Rails 4.0.0
My third post here. I'm learning Rails.
getting Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:3000
I reinstalled Ruby and Rails. I create the Rails new ??? then run Rails
S or Rails server. still cant get the localhost:3000 to start.
I'm running Windows 8.1
Ruby version 2.0.0p0
Rails 4.0.0
What do you see in the terminal when you run rails s or rails server?
Copy/paste it here, including the command line where you type the
If you are running anything but webrick you could very well be on another port.
I got it working. I reinstalled everything and run the file using Run As Administrator.
I was about to suggest until I realized you’re running on Windows. Sorry!
try instead of localhost:3000… worked for me