loading fixtures from different dir

I have a set of fixtures in my db/bootstrap dir. anybody have any idea on how I can use rake db:fixtures:load with fixtures in a different dir?

I ended up modifying the rails db:fixtures:load task:

namespace :db do     namespace :bootstrap do         namespace :fixtures do           desc "Load fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y"           task :load => :environment do             require 'active_record/fixtures'             ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(RAILS_ENV.to_sym)             (ENV['FIXTURES'] ? ENV['FIXTURES'].split(/,/) : Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'db', 'bootstrap', '*. {yml,csv}'))).each do |fixture_file|               Fixtures.create_fixtures('db/bootstrap', File.basename(fixture_file, '.*'))             end           end       end   end end

Looking at the code it makes me wonder if the rails version of Fixtures.create_fixtures is windows compatible because of the unix path it uses for 'test/fixtures'
