rake db:fixtures:load and spec/fixtures

The desire:   to run a rake task that loads fixtures from my "spec/fixtures" directory

The current situation:   "rake db:fixtures:load" will load all fixtures from "test/fixtures"   "rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURE_DIR=something" will load all fixtures from "test/fixtures/something"

What to do?   Thinking abstractly, I don't see the need for FIXTURE_DIR   I'd prefer a FIXTURE_PATH argument which would look for fixtures in "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{fixture_path}" (defaulting to test/fixtures)   But, this would break current expectations.

"rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURE_PATH='spec/fixtures'"

I dunno...

"rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURE_PATH='spec/fixtures'"

So long as the existing functionality doesn't break, I think this would be a nice addition.

cool. I've made the patch, http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/792-patch-fixtures_path-option-for-rake-db-fixtures#ticket-792-1

it also deals with rake db:fixtures:identify which I tidied up a bit in the process (it was still using RAILS_ROOT, rather than Rails.root)