link/url helper with/for plugin routes

hi guys,

basically following the rails plugin guide, i set up a plugin with routing, controllers, models, etc. now i'd also like to use the link/ url helper to do something like "link_to pluginName_path" or "redirect_to pluginName_firstPluginController_path", but just can't find out how.

my plugin routes are created from a yml config file which looks like:

defaults:   base_route: :register   process: [:profile, :confirm, :complete]

these routes are created by the plugin like:

module Register #:nodoc:   module Routing #:nodoc:     module MapperExtensions       def register         base_route = "/#{REGISTER_CONFIG['base_route']}"         @set.add_route(base_route, {:controller => "#{REGISTER_CONFIG ['process'][0]}"})

        REGISTER_CONFIG['process'].each do |step|           @set.add_route("#{base_route}/#{step}", {:controller => step.to_s})         end       end     end   end end ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send :include, Order::Routing::MapperExtensions

and included in the app's routes.rb like: map.register

this might not be the most beautiful code ever (improvements appreciated), but it works for now and sets up the following routes for i.e. an registration process:

/register /register/profile /register/confirm /register/complete

now how can i set up and use link/url helper methods for links or redirects to each of the steps in the registration process from views/ controllers of the app and from within the plugin?

hope anyone can help!