link_to_remote :with => multiple items


How do I pass multiple params?

:with => "'p1=' + 'blah'" I also want to pass 'p2=' + 'blah', etc..


You can use a standard URL query string. Separate the parameters with an ampersand


Have a look at the docs & see if you can use :submit instead of :with. That lets you, e.g., submit everything in a particular <div>, all packaged up in params--very easy...

Thanks Christopher, that's what I was looking for.

Another related question:

Requirement Title:<%= form.text_field :title, :value => params[:title], :name=>"title" %>           <%= link_to_remote "Check", :url => { :action => :check_req_title }, :with=>"'title_search=' + $('title').value" %>

Does that pass params[:title_search] = the value of the text_field?


Thanks Christopher, that's what I was looking for.

Another related question:

Requirement Title:<%= form.text_field :title, :value => params[:title], :name=>"title" %>          <%= link_to_remote "Check", :url => { :action => :check_req_title }, :with=>"'title_search=' + $('title').value" %>

Does that pass params[:title_search] = the value of the text_field?

Provided that the id of the text field is title it should. The development log will show you what is in the params object.