I would really like to thank everyone for their input and opinions. Right now, I have done a clean install of Ubuntu and I will tweak it here and there until I can get battery life where I want it. I have been using Sublime Text 2 with several plugins, although in the future I may try a true IDE to see what the differences are.
Also, I do recognize that a Mac would be the best all-around computer for me, but I just cannot justify the cost right now (especially as I am not making any money yet doing rails! Actually, I’ve been in the automation/controls industry for ~9 years, and just now deciding to learn something new).
I would really like to thank everyone for their input and opinions.
now, I have done a clean install of Ubuntu and I will tweak it here and
there until I can get battery life where I want it. I have been using
Sublime Text 2 with several plugins, although in the future I may try a
true IDE to see what the differences are.
I'll have to somewhat disagree with the idea that a true IDE is
essential to Rails development. I have been involved with our local Ruby
user's group, here in Atlanta, for several years and I've not seen a
single presentation, or know of any Ruby developers that uses an IDE.
I really don't find myself using a debugger much at all when developing
Rails. If I do find a use for stepping though code I take that as a sign
that I'm doing something wrong. Either my methods are too complex and
need refactoring, or my test cases are insufficient. As for performance
metrics, there are plenty of better (IMHO) ways to do that. Ones that
are not dependent on a particular IDE.
What I see the vase majority of developers using are VIM, Sublime Text 2
& TextMate, with Sublime quickly taking over TextMate's share. It's also
worth noting that over 90% of the developers in our group use OS X with
nearly all the remaining 10% using some flavor of Linux. I've not met
anyone personally that develops on Windows. i know they are out there, I
just haven't met anyone in the area that does.