javascript popup not firing


I'm using a javascript calendar I found on the web, which I'm hoping will invoke a popup. For some reason, it almost looks like rails is squelching it. From my view:

<script language="javascript" src="/javascripts/codethatcalendar.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2"> <!-- var caldef1 = {   firstday : 0,   dtype : 'MM/dd/yyyy',   width : 275,   windoww : 300,   windowh : 200,   border_width : 0,   border_color : 'White',   multi : true,   spr : '\r\n',   dn_css : 'clsDayName',   cd_css : 'clsCurrentDay',   tw_css : 'clsCurrentWeek',   wd_css : 'clsWorkDay',   we_css : 'clsWeekEnd',   wdom_css : 'clsWorkDayOtherMonth',   weom_css : 'clsWeekEndOtherMonth',   wdomcw_css : 'clsWorkDayOthMonthCurWeek',   weomcw_css : 'clsWeekEndOthMonthCurWeek',   wecd_css : 'clsWeekEndCurDay',   wecw_css : 'clsWeekEndCurWeek',   preview_css : 'clsPreview',   highlight_css : 'clsHighLight',   headerstyle :   {     type : 'buttons',     css : 'clsDayName',     imgnextm : '../public/images/forward.jpg',     imgprevm : '../public/images/back.jpg',     imgnexty : '../public/images/forward.jpg',     imgprevy : '../public/images/back.jpg'   },   imgapply : '../public/images/apply.gif',   preview : true,   monthnames : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',     'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],   daynames : ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],   txt : ['Previous year', 'Previous month', 'Next month', 'Next year', 'Apply'] }; var c1 = new CodeThatCalendar(caldef1); //--> </script>   <P>Month+year scrollers</P>   <form>     <input name="id1" type="textarea"/>     <input type="button" onClick="c1.popup('id1');" value="..."/>   </form>

Since this is pure javascript/html, i can't understand why it's not popping up. Is rails squelching it for some reason? If so, why & how do I fix it.

If I'm down the wrong path - howabout a good on-page calendar for rails that will populate a field when a date is clicked on? I found calendargrid but didn't have much luck getting it to work.


First off, go get Firebug ( It’s invaluable for web, especially javascript, development. It will let you know where the error is if there is one.

From first glance though, make sure you have type=“text/javascript” in your tag, that’s thrown me a few times. Otherwise, there’s probably a javascript compiler error, which Firebug will tell you about.
