I got a problem when I run "gem clean"

I bought a new Mac (:P) in these days, and I found that Leopard built- in rails 1.2.6 But it's rails 2.2.2 right now, so I upgraded Rubygems before I upgraded rails.. and after I upgraded Rubygems and Rails... I run "gem clean" and got the error message:

bash-3.2# gem clean Cleaning up installed gems... Attempting to uninstall rails-1.2.6 ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError)     Unknown gem rails = 1.2.6

hmm.. I don't know how to solve it :frowning: Could anyone tell me how to solve it? thanks!

If I rwmember correctly gem doesn't like removing gems from /System.
My advice would be to not worry about it -rubygems is perfectly happy
with multiple versions of gems
