I can't start Webrick

I'm following a book and I just created a project. I'm in the project directory (on Windows 7) and in cmd line I typed:(as per instructions)

ruby script/server Webrick

I get the following error: ruby: no such file or directory --script/server (LoadError)

Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong. I have Apache installed also but it's not running right now.


have you created the Rails project using ‘rails ’ command?



hi which version of rails you you are using!

I downloaded the latest version of rails but I don't know how to check that... I did create a project already. Then I went into the main folder and tried to run the server from there but no luck...

type rails -v in console to check its version.

For Rails 3 (latest version) try this command: rails server

it's Rails 3.0.3 and that instruction worked. Thanks a million - back to the books...

Please quote when replying.

Tara Keane wrote in post #966943:

it's Rails 3.0.3 and that instruction worked. Thanks a million - back to the books...

Not back to the books you've been using. Don't try to learn Rails 3 from a Rails 2 book. A lot changed in version 3. Try http://guides.rubyonrails.org , http://railstutorial.org , or a paper Rails 3 book.


Another way:

rails s

Typed in terminal, once you are in your project folder.