' doesn't exist

I'm attempting to update my frozen rails version from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 and I get this error about activeresource not existing in 1.2.6 which appears to be true. However, I'm just wondering why I get this message; what is telling "rake rails:freeze:edge" to checkout activeresource when it's not there to checkout in the first place ?

Here's the output I get when I try to freeze up to 1.2.6. My application is working fine after the freeze and a restart, however it would be nice to get rid of this error.

- Dan

** Invoke rails:freeze:edge (first_time) ** Execute rails:freeze:edge A vendor/rails/railties A vendor/rails/railties/test A vendor/rails/railties/test/fcgi_dispatcher_test.rb A vendor/rails/railties/test/plugin_test.rb A vendor/rails/railties/test/rails_generator_test.rb A vendor/rails/railties/test/abstract_unit.rb A vendor/rails/railties/test/initializer_test.rb

. . .

A vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/ generators A vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/ generators/generate_tables.rb A vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/caching_tools.rb A vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb A vendor/rails/activesupport/CHANGELOG A vendor/rails/activesupport/install.rb A vendor/rails/activesupport/MIT-LICENSE A vendor/rails/activesupport/README Exported revision 8214. svn: URL ' activeresource' doesn't exist

After freezing it the first time, freeze it again. The first time
will update the rails:freeze:edge rake task and the next time will
fetch activeresource.

This doesn't seem to work but thanks for the hint as to where I should look:

In, the code still seems to want to check out activeresource:

    desc "Lock to latest Edge Rails or a specific revision with REVISION=X (ex: REVISION=4021) or a tag with TAG=Y (ex: TAG=rel_1-1-0)"     task :edge do       $verbose = false       `svn --version` rescue nil       unless !$?.nil? && $?.success?

  < SNIP >

        touch "vendor/rails/REVISION_#{ENV['REVISION']}"       end

      for framework in %w(railties actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport activeresource)         system "svn export #{rails_svn}/#{framework} vendor/rails/ #{framework}" + (ENV['REVISION'] ? " -r #{ENV['REVISION']}" : "")       end     end   end

Which explains why running this multiple times is not solving the problem. Perhaps I am just mis-using rake; I am trying to freeze my code with 1-2-6 so I just did this:

  % rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-2-6
