How to migrate on another server?

I have rvm + rails + nginx + passenger + unicorn + capistrano which I've configured for my server. Can you tell how do migrate to another server with all this farm?

Okay, your server is on the cloud, something like Linode, Heroku, Amazon? There is one good solution and one perfect solution. The good is working at VM’s and cloning it, the perfect solution is work with automation tools like Puppet or Chef.

Personaly, me and my team are administrating 2,000 VM’s with Puppet and Ganeti with very success, in future we will migrate to OpenNebula or OpenStack.

If you have some doubts about it, please send one note.

or is there a tool to pack the config to setup on another server? Any solution, please.

Server uses Linux Server Can Puppet or Chef grab all "rvm + rails + nginx + passenger + unicorn + capistrano" on another server?

I found It's simalar step-by-step server inviroment instalation.

Are there simalar projects to set rails enviroment instant?