how to change sqlite3 to mysql..??

Hi, im new to ruby on Rails..i install all ror files..if i try to work in database there is sqlite3 is default.??.. if i change to mysql im getting localhost development side...?? how to change sqlite3 to mysql..?? help pls..??

1) install MySQL 2) install mysql gem 3) edit config/database.yml appropriately 4) if you've already started development, run        rake db:schema:load     to install your tables


Please, be more specific. What error message are u getting?

Anyway, i suspect that it's because u don't have the mysql gem installed.

Try installing it: gem install mysql

If you're just getting started, create your project with:

rails myproject -d mysql

Thank for reply...

Thank for reply...

Can u tell me how to install full RoR complete package with default of database adapter with mysql .?im getting sqlite3 is default???

Can u tell me how to install full RoR complete package with default of database adapter with mysql .?im getting sqlite3 is default???

Yes, SQLite3 is the current default; if you want to use something else you need to follow the process I outlined.


Download edge Instantrails . and make rails application from command promt

rails -d mysql applicationname you can able to work with mysql.

Hi, Schroeder

Can u tell me,? which editor is best for Ruby on Rails..apps??

The one you're most proficient with :slight_smile:

At various times I use jEdit, NetBeans and vi for Rails development, all reasonably cross-platform so I don't have to switch mental gears too much going between Linux and Mac. YMMV,