how to build a smaple application using ror

Hi all, i want to learn ruby on rails.i am using window7 . I installed ruby 1.9.2 p0 in "C:\ruby" using one click installer.and then installed rails using the command "gem install rails". and rails get installed successfully. After that i tried to build a sample i created a new folder in c like "c:\venkat" and i moved to that folder in the command prompt and i created an application venu by giving the command "c:\venkat rails new venu" . And now i came to know that i have to start the server at this point of time and i tried to start the server usting the command "rails server" but after entering this command i got an error like " the program cont start because sqlite3.dll is missing from your computer.try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." so i downloaded sqlite3.dll and pasted it in the C:\windows\system32" and tried once again to start the server. But now i got a new error like "The rocedure entry point sqlite3_backup_finish could not be loacated in the dynamic link library Sqlite3.dll"

what i have to do next? pls help...

Try downloading the sqlite3.exe (not the dll) and placinig that in your system32 folder.

Use this link:

Dear sir,

i tried downloading the sqlite3.exe (not the dll) and placinig that in my system32 folder. But still the same problem persists. I got error msg like ""The rocedure entry point sqlite3_backup_finish could not be loacated in the dynamic link library Sqlite3.dll" If u dont mind can u tell me from the first step how to install ruby on rails and how to build a sampla application using ROR pls...

If you don't install the DevKit after you install Ruby, you won't get very far. It's only a matter of time, and a short one it will be, before you need to install a gem that require compilation and thus need DevKit. Might as well do it now.

venkata reddy wrote in post #959648:

Hi all,

after entering this command i got an error like " the program cont

start because sqlite3.dll is missing from your computer.try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." so i downloaded sqlite3.dll and pasted it in the C:\windows\system32" and tried once again to start the server. But now i got a new error like "The rocedure entry point sqlite3_backup_finish could not be loacated in the dynamic link library Sqlite3.dll"

what i have to do next? pls help...

You should do the following: gem install sqlite3-ruby

after that: download to e.g.: C:\Ruby192\bin and just unzip the file here. This should do it. No need to copy anything anywhere.

Good luck.


if you are okey with mysql as database go and start with instant rails

venkata reddy wrote in post #959736:

Dear sir,

i tried downloading the sqlite3.exe (not the dll) and placinig that in my system32 folder. But still the same problem persists. I got error msg like ""The rocedure entry point sqlite3_backup_finish could not be loacated in the dynamic link library Sqlite3.dll" If u dont mind can u tell me from the first step how to install ruby on rails and how to build a sampla application using ROR pls...

Sorry to hear about your problems - setup is never quite universal, eh?

PROBLEM In my experience, the "sqlite3_backup_finish" error always comes up when there is a difference between the gem you are using and the current SQLite3 runtime. Basically you did:

gem install sqlite3-ruby

And it installed the newest version (eg. 1.3.2) and it said something like "This gem was built with SQLite 3.5.3." - or you built it with a different SQLite. Then when you do:


It says that it is not the same version (3.5.3 in this case).

SOLUTION You can either:

1) Change the SQLite runtimes to match the gem, or

2) Change the gem to match the runtimes (.exe, .dll, etc.)

For #1, on Windows you change Computer + (rt-click) -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables... -> Edit, and put the path of the other version of SQLite at the start, eg. PATH=C:\Tools\Sqlite3_3_5;...(everything already there)". Be certain you have the .exe and .dll in that directory for it to work.

#2 What works is to tell Rails which version of the gem you want it to use for that application. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to ask the gem what SQLite version it requires after the install, nor a list of what gem sqlite3-ruby versions deal with which SQLite versions... For those who installed sqlite3 and had it build the gem - good luck!     In environment.rb add a line like this in the lower part (search for config.gem and you'll see some comment examples - put it there):     config.gem "sqlite3-ruby", :version => '1.2.5' When you start Rails this time it will spit out tons of errors/stacktrace and say that sqlite3-ruby isn't installed. But Rails/gem installed it and your webapp will run now.

