I want to host a website using Ruby on Rails 3. Which 3 best hosts give me web space to do that ? Please suggest me best 3 hosting sites to develop RoR3 Website.
Heroku is good
Can you please explain more about Heroku. I’m not getting it.
Heroku offers free hosting space with an easy deployment process (especially regarding database setup, which can be a bit of work to configure a DB user, create/grant access to tables, ... )
To start, you first install the gem:
gem install heroku
Then, you need to register for a free account, and you can provide ssh keys for authentication
and with heroku --help should also give some good starting information.
If you want to have some custom server configuration, and you want to setup your own system, the Railscast on Vagrant might be a good start:
Thanks for your guidance.
+1 on Heroku.
Hosting for a very basic app (like a staging app) is free, depending on what features you want. You can learn more about it here:
I use it all the time.
heroku is good option for hosting rails application with easy deployment
I would recommend to try DigitalOcean - Cheap SSD cloud servers. I am running there few Rails apps now and I am satisfied.
I will be glad if you will use this refferal link - DigitalOcean – The developer cloud . Thank you.