Hi Everyone..

I need to generate the Excel Sheet through the Ruby On Rails.I have to create the excel sheet with the database fields as headers and the data in the sheet

I installed the required gems…

gem install spreadsheet-excel -v =

and i worte the code as

wb = Spreadsheet::Excel.new(“E:/RailsApps/application/sample.xls”) version = Excel::VERSION

f4 = Format.new(:num_format => “d mmm yyyy”) f5 = Format.new(:num_format => 0x0f) wb.add_format(f4) wb.add_format(f5)

**ws1 = wb.add_worksheet(“employee”) header = [‘ID’,‘Name’,‘Designation’,‘Salary’,‘JoinDate’] len = header.length - 1 for k in 0…len do puts “Header of K #{header[k]}” ws1.write(0,k,header[k],f1) end