Helper in other helper

Hello everyone,

in my view, I wrap a form_for around a model:

<% form_for(: [...] ) do |f| %>

Now I repeat the following very often why I would like to extract it into a helper:

<%= f.text_field :field_1, :class=>"css_class"%> <span class="css_class2">xxx</span>

Therefore, I packed it into a helper. Unfortunately, it does not get interpreted as Code but html text:

def textfield_helper(input1, input2) returnarray= returnarray << f.text_field :#{input1}, :class=>\"css_class\" returnarray << "<span class=\"css_class2\">" returnarray << xxx returnarray << "</span>" end

Any ideas how to rephrase this: returnarray << f.text_field :#{input1}, :class=>\"css_class\" line? Everything else seems to be ok! Thank you very much in advance,
