Application Helper Problem

Hello,   I'm trying to follow a book ( The book was made with an older version of Rails, but I'm using Rails 3. I've got a snippet of code in my application helper that is supposed to add a text field... It does, but it comes out as escaped TEXT on the webpage. Here is my helper method:

def text_field_for(form, field,   size=HTML_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE,   maxlength=DB_STRING_MAX_LENGTH)   label = content_tag("label", "#{field.humanize}:", :for => field)   form_field = form.text_field field, :size => size, :maxlength => maxlength   content_tag("div", "#{label} #{form_field}", :class => "form_row") end

Then the ERB: <%= text_field_for form, "first_name" %>

...and finally when it's rendered: <label for="first_name">First name:</label> <input id="spec_first_name" maxlength="255" name="spec[first_name]" size="15" type="text" value="" />

...which looks right, but it's escaped HTML text for some reason. Any know why?

Thanks,   - Jeff Miller

Hello, I'm trying to follow a book ( The book was made with an older version of Rails, but I'm using Rails 3. I've got a snippet of code in my application helper that is supposed to add a text field... It does, but it comes out as escaped TEXT on the webpage. Here is my helper method:

def text_field_for(form, field, size=HTML_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE, maxlength=DB_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) label = content_tag("label", "#{field.humanize}:", :for => field) form_field = form.text_field field, :size => size, :maxlength => maxlength content_tag("div", "#{label} #{form_field}", :class => "form_row") end

Then the ERB: <%= text_field_for form, "first_name" %>

...and finally when it's rendered: <label for="first_name">First name:</label> <input id="spec_first_name" maxlength="255" name="spec[first_name]" size="15" type="text" value="" />

...which looks right, but it's escaped HTML text for some reason. Any know why?

Rails now has XSS protection built in. You need to tell rails that the string you've constructed ("#{label} #{form_field}") is safe. One way of doing this is calling html_safe! on it


... content_tag("div", "#{label} #{form_field}".html_safe!, :class => "form_row") ...

gives me the error: You can't call html_safe! on a String.

Obviously I'm doing this wrong... where should I place html_safe! ?

Thanks,   - Jeff Miller

Ah! I got it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

It's just .html_safe (no ! on it)


Rob Biedenharn