Need help for Helper

I need a helper, which will render a table in my customized style. I wrote a code like this:

template.rhtml: <% @column_names = ["Name", "Age", "Sex"] %> <%= table_show @column_name %>

helper.rb def table_show(names)   for name in names     content_tag ( :div, name, :class => 'table_header' )   end end

Which should give me an output like this:   <div class='table_header'>Name</div>   <div class='table_header'>Age</div>   <div class='table_header'>Sex</div>

Unfortunately I have only one line of output which looks like:   NameAgeSex

After few trials it seems, that this output is being generated by line: "for name in names", because deleting "content_tag..." doesn't make any differences.

What am I doing wrong? I suppose that helper def does treat an Array like a String...

Regards, Tomasz Tomczyk

Hi Tomasz,

Tomasz Tomczyk wrote:

Which should give me an output like this: <div class='table_header'>Name</div> <div class='table_header'>Age</div> <div class='table_header'>Sex</div>

Unfortunately I have only one line of output which looks like: NameAgeSex

Are you saying you have one _visible_ line? Or that, when you look at the DOM you've actually got one string? Without seeing your code, my first guess would be that you've got a CSS problem, not a Rails problem. You might want to try the block form of content_tag, just to help separate the issues.

hth, Bill

Finally I've found the problem - it was me :slight_smile: There was no return clause in the helper, which caused it to print everything in "for" loop.

Now its OK.

Thanks anyway, Tomasz Tomczyk