Custom helper

Hi! I have a model like this:

class Test1   attr_accessor :counter

  def initialize     @countter = 0   end

      def increase            @countter += 1       end


A helper module DiscsHelper

  def hidden_div_if(condition, attributes = {})   if condition     attributes["style" ] = "display: none"   end   attrs = tag_options(attributes.stringify_keys)   "<div #{attrs}>"



A view: <!-- Begin div=test -->       <% hidden_div_if(@test.counter > 0, :id => "test") %>       <%= render(:partial => "test", :object => @test) %> <!-- End div=test-->

The problem is that when y try to test it the HTML result is wrong, it' not create the header of the dev test, what am i doing wrong?

<!-- Begin div=test -->



<!-- End div=test-->


class Test1         attr_accessor :counter

countter ?

        def initialize                 @countter = 0

counter ?

Sorry it's wrong in the email, but in the code it's countter.. Do you know what i'm doing wrong?
