Help wanted: pg vs. postgres-pr gems

Hi all,

I installed Rails 3.0 + PostgreSQL 8.4. Installed the gem postgre-pr I added " gem 'postgres-pr' " to my Gemfile I defined my database.yml with: # PostgreSQL 8.4 development:   adapter: postgresql   encoding: unicode   database: testdb   pool: 5   username: test   password: ******

I run rails server which starts, but application environment returns this error: no such file to load -- pg

Any idea about where this comes from ?

Thanks for help !


gem install pg

You will need to locate where pg_config is installed, if you are on linux then you can type:

$ which pg_config /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config

Plug that into gem install command like this:

sudo gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config

Also in your database.yml, you should also add (for local development)

host: localhost

At least on UNIX, for local development, a host: is not always required.

One can also connect over a local Unix-domain socket, possibly without

a password (because already authenticated to the Operating System).

The detailed setting of access rights for these 2 cases is covered in the

file /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf.



Rajinder Yadav wrote in post #1028746:

   database: testdb Thanks for help !


You will need to locate where pg_config is installed, if you are on linux then you can type:

$ which pg_config /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config

Plug that into gem install command like this:

sudo gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config

Also in your database.yml, you should also add (for local development)

host: localhost

-- Kind Regards, Rajinder Yadav | | Do Good! ~ Share Freely

Well, thanks for your help ! Indeed, I had to install libpq-dev, locate pg_config, and then the pg gem. It's my first try with PostgreSQL, and I not sure to understand why the postgre-pr gem was not sufficient ? But it works fine now ! Thanks for your help ! Best regards, Fred