Help please on Ruby on Rails Migrations: "rake aborted! undefined local variable or method name 'ss' in main:object

Environment: Windows Vista, running Ruby 1.8.6 on Rails 2.1, MySql 5.0/ PostGreSql 8.3.1

I'm enjoying going through a ruby on rails example and learning the power of ruby and rails. I'm in need of help. The migrations script is simply trying to create a new Users table with 3 columns. The erorr I get perpetually is "Rake aborted! Undefined local variable or method name 'ss' in main:object. I can't find any hits on the web with this error. I've tried changing databases, reinstalling, restarting db, web server, etc.. rebooting but to no avail. The strange thing is that the script does seem to be able to create the rails system's "schema_info" table with a single record with a single column with a value of ZERO to indicate that the db is at version=0. Please advise?

Environment: Windows Vista, running Ruby 1.8.6 on Rails 2.1, MySql
5.0/ PostGreSql 8.3.1

I'm enjoying going through a ruby on rails example and learning the power of ruby and rails. I'm in need of help. The migrations script is simply trying to create a new Users table with 3 columns. The

Obvious question: what's in your migration ?


It turns out this was operator error on my part. I had some stray text ('ss') at the bottom of the script that was not viewable in my IDE sized window. until I went and did a copy all/paste into the draft of my reply to you. Sorry for the silly post. Though this has taught me to be very vigilant about looking for all typographical errors in this dynamic language. I'm from a C/C++/C# background and will be learning new things for a long time.

Question: is it possible to ask the Aptana IDE or any other compiler to compile your ruby project or program and report any syntactical errors?