gem update --system

I just installed the RMagick gem.

The instructions said do a "gem update --system" first so I did.

I rebooted afterwards.

Now I cant even run mongrel

This is on windows. the errors are: .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/ 1.8/gems/mongrel_service-0.3.2-x86-mswin 32/lib/mongrel_service/init.rb (LoadError)         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ gem_plugin-0.2.3/lib/gem_plugin.rb:134:in ` load'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ rubygems/source_index.rb:184:in `each'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ rubygems/source_index.rb:184:in `each'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ gem_plugin-0.2.3/lib/gem_plugin.rb:112:in ` load'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mswin32-60/bin/mongrel_ra ils:278         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/bin/mongrel_rails:19:in `load'         from .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/bin/mongrel_rails:19

Any advice appreciated Giorgio

gem install --remote rake


re-install your mongrel, regarding this error message :

no such file to load -- .../InstantRails_1_7_Dev/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/ 1.8/gems/mongrel_service-0.3.2-x86-mswin


Re-installing mongrel makes no difference. I have re-installed mongrel and mongrel_service with no joy.

I restored my ruby folder from backup and everything is fine until I do a gem update --system and then it all breaks again.


if this is the case try reinstalling the rails first. after installing the rails try the command ' gem update --system '

Mahalingam RailsFactory

giorgio wrote: