I’m trying to get gem bundler up and running for a Rails app, but without any success.
I’ve followed the guide from Yakuda, but gem bundler is not creating the structure of dir and files I’m expecting. For me, after I run “gem bundle”, it is creating a vendor/bundler_gems/ruby/1.8/[cache],[doc],… and no environment.rb on vendor/bundler_gems whatsoever.
I have ruby-gems 1.3.5, and just clones and installed gem bundler from the git repo.
I’m trying to get gem bundler up and running for a Rails app, but without any success.
I’ve followed the guide from Yakuda, but gem bundler is not creating the structure of dir and files I’m expecting. For me, after I run “gem bundle”, it is creating a vendor/bundler_gems/ruby/1.8/[cache],[doc],… and no environment.rb on vendor/bundler_gems whatsoever.
I have ruby-gems 1.3.5, and just clones and installed gem bundler from the git repo.
Could anyone enlighten-me here?
Thanks in advance,
Without the version of Rails, Ruby, and OS, it’s difficult to diagnose this problem?
Can you tell us what version of the bundler gem you’re using? Also, is there a particular reason that you’re using Ruby 1.8.6 being that the system default is Ruby 1.8.7? Lastly, please provide the Gemfile and the link to the guide that you followed?