Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know about a special opportunity for subscribers to this group. We’re hosting avirtual conference called hack.summit() taking place December 1-4, where you can learn from some of the best programmers in the world. An unprecedented line-up of programmers including creators of Ruby on Rails, CSS, Google Glass, the Java language spec, Agile, Extreme Programming, Test Driven Development, Heroku, Spark, Bittorrent, UML, the Wiki, and many more will be speaking and answering audience questions,. ALL proceeds go to support coding non-profits, such as ones that help drive inclusivity and diversity in the coding space. If you’re interested in attending, check out the website and Facebook page for more info. I’m happy to offer you free passes to bypass the registration process–just visit hacksummit.org and register using the code REGISTERFREE.
Over 12,000 developers **registered **in the first few days – if this continues, then this will be one of the largest developer events **ever **held. You’re not going to want to miss it.
Hope to see you at the summit, and thanks for your time