file_column and multiple image upload

I don’t know about file_column, but acts_as_attachment can do that pretty easily.

you can use this with file_column to upload multiple files files-with-a-single-file-element/

Hi Pablo.

I have got file_column working with multiuple uploads, it only needs a few extra lines of code to handle. Unfortunately I haven't got the code with me as I'm at work now. If noone else can help I'll post it later.


I need this code lines, please...

hey guys... sorry I forgot to post.

The key to getting this working is in the view. Don't use the standard helpers. My view has the following in a partial.

..... <input id="resource_<%=@i%>_filename_temp" name="resource[<%=@i%>][file_temp]" type="hidden" />   <input id="resource_<%=@i%>_filename" name="resource[<%=@i%>][file]" size="25" type="file" /> .... where @i is a unique id for each resource.