facebook.notifications.sendRequest related question

Hi, Has any one successfully used facebook.notifications.sendRequest in sending request in rails. If any one can throw any light it would be a great help. When ever i googled this i get only in PHP based. I am doing this

def invite @type = “Super app” @content = “TEST NOTIFICATION” @invite = ‘invitation’ @image = " http://photos-055.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v77/96/17/683262164/t683262164_235055_6270.jpg" xml_return = fbsession.notifications_sendRequest(:to_ids => ‘683262164’, :type => @type, :content => @content, :image => @image, :invite => @invite)


I even checked the xml_return value and it seem OK as per the return xml on the face book document. Can any one help? The return xml wrapped in Hapricot is the following…if this helps:-

#<Hpricot::Doc {xmldecl “<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>”} {text “\n” } {elem <notifications_sendrequest_response xsi:schemalocation=" http://api.faceb ook.com/1.0/ http://api.facebook.com/1.0/facebook.xsd" xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3 . org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns=“http://api.facebook.com/1.0/”> {text “http:/ /www.facebook.com/send_req.php?from=683262164&id=15483”} </notifications_sen

drequest_response>} {text “\n”}>

Thanks and Regards AG